This is my husband and myself. I'm afraid this picture is a few years old (1987) but it's the only one I have of the both of us together. One of us (usually me) is behind the camera.
That's my mom (the shorter one), my brother who we had sit down or he'd make us both look short (he's almost 6'5" tall), and me (the one in red).
February 1995
These are my most recent grandchildren. Twin boys Matthew front, Brandon back. This was taken in Sept of 1998 a month before they turned a year old. They belong to my second son and his wife.
This is my only grand-daughter Chadera who is nine years old. She is my oldest son's daughter.
These are my first twin grandsons. Christopher and Michael.
They are 8 years old and belong to my oldest son.
This is Benjamin. He is four years old and belongs to my oldest son.
I hope to get some more pictures up soon of the rest of my family.